The Diverse Books Tag

I wasn’t actually tagged for this, but I saw it on and thought it was a great idea. So, here we go!


The Diverse Books Tag is a bit like a scavenger hunt. I will task you to find a book that fits a specific criteria and you will have to show us a book you have read or want to read. If you can’t think of a book that fits the specific category, then I encourage you to go look for one. A quick Google search will provide you with many books that will fit the bill. (Also, Goodreads lists are your friends.) Find one you are genuinely interested in reading and move on to the next category.


1. Find a book starring a lesbian character.


I’ve never read this but it was on my TBR.

2. Find a book with a Muslim protagonist.


Really excited to give this graphic novel a-go.

3. Find a book set in Latin America.


Set in Colombia – already on TBR.

4. Find a book about a person with a disability.

Wheel of Steel isn’t technically about Jason only, but he has cerebral palsy.
Dark Lover has a has someone blind in it (I believe)

5. Find a science-fiction or fantasy book with a POC (person of colour) protagonist.

Ah, I love POC in Fantasy and Science Fiction.

6. Find a book set in/about any country in Africa.


The story is set in Botswana –  also a fantasy starring a Black female. Very fun book featuring African Mythology.

7. Find a book written by an Indigenous or Native author.


An Amazing man.

8. Find a book set in South Asia (Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc).

Life of Pi set on the Pacific Ocean but he’s from India
The Kite Runner is set in Afghanistan

9. Find a book with a biracial protagonist.

Flirting With Chaos = black + white

Everything, Everything = black + Asian

The book above, Entwined, also features a biracial female.

10. Find a book starring a transgender character or about transgender issues.


I figured it was a book once I saw the previews.

I tag:


Olivia @libroliv

Trust in the Words


Zezee @zezeewithbooks

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by  Tynga’s Reviews, where you share the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Bought (These exact editions):



 Borrows (Library):



What have you bought lately? What have you borrowed? Anything good?


New Releases | Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken (#2, Passenger)

I’ve been orphaned by my time.

Very vague and ominous description. Since this won’t be released until January 3, 2017, you have time to read book one and wait for a more detailed description. I haven’t read Passenger yet but it’s on my TBR, so I’ll be ready for book two before the year is out. This title is available for pre-order so don’t forget to do just that.

Random Friday #3: The Martian & A Darker Shade of Magic

Random Fridays - DA

Random Fridays  is a weekly meme hosted by Rebeca at “Books and Messy Buns”. Anyone can join, you just have to do the following:

  • Pick up the book you’re currently reading (or read last)
  • Go to this random number generator and insert the total amount of pages in your book
  • Generate a random number
  • Open your book in the page with number you got
  • Repeat step 2 and 3 but with the number of lines in that page
  • Your random sentence is the first sentence in the line with the number you got (it doesn’t matter if the sentence starts a few lines before)
  • Make a post in your own blog where you share your sentence and link back to my blog as the host
  • Share the link to your post in the comments’ section here for the book community to see :)

He wordlessly pulled on his jumpsuit, smoothing out what wrinkles he could.” – The Martian by Andy Weir

She hadn’t made it back.” – A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab